Monday, March 1, 2010

Taylor Sinks To New Low

Just when one thought Little Robbie Taylor had sunk as low as possible, he's reached the bottom and kept digging. I shouldn't be surprised at Robbie taking cheap shots but this one had me stunned. But surely Robbie wouldn't make such an outrageous statement without solid evidence of widespread, entrenched child rape by UN officials would he? He wouldn't let his bitter right-wing 'hate everyone and everything decent' prejudices influence his objectivity would he? Like hell!! I followed the link he attached which took me to a news article dated over 3 years ago which contained nothing more than unproved allegations. That's right, he didn't even bother finding an article detailing an investigation of the claims that found them to be accurate. Instead he points to one ancient article based on nothing but rumour and hearsay and pretends it carries weight. *Sigh*

1 comment:

Lyra Silvertongue said...

New low?

More like Taylor inganges in more AZU common practice.