A while back I posted about
The Lunsford Hypocrisy in which I exposed the disgraceful hypocrisy displayed by AZU and Wikisposure in the case of Mark Lunsford (found by the police with kiddie porn on his computer) and his son Joshua (had sex with a 14 year old girl as an adult). Despite both men engaging in activities that would normally attract the exposure and condemnation of both sites, Wikisposure are yet to post an article about either of them and AZU have taken it one step further to actually defend and minimise Mark's possession of kiddie porn.
Well, the hypocrisy continues in the
comments section on AZU with the following exchange:
Stitches the Cunt (SC): I don't have any problems insulting him (Tsand) at all. The man made his avatar a picture of Jessica Lunsford and then sexually harassed me when I told him that was inappropriate. (Editor's note: He sexually harassed SC? So now they're accusing him of bestiality?)
Static: Really?! You have got to be kidding! Why would a RSO use Jessica Lunsford as an avatar?! That is reprehensible!
So they consider it reprehensible for Tsand to make an avatar of Jessica (which it may well be - I've not seen it so can't comment) but still think it was ok for Joshua Lunsford to desecrate the memory of his sister by wearing a t-shirt with her picture on it to his trial for raping an underage girl. The gall of these people knows no bounds.
So I repeat my challenge from my last post:
Treat these two as you would anyone else who is caught with child porn or who is sexually involved with a minor. If you're not willing to do so then at least have the integrity to admit you're making a special case for these people.
I'm fully aware the cowards who run AZU regularly visit this site so their choice is simple: meet the challenge and restore a little of their lost credibility or continue defending (or, in their language - enabling) a kiddie porn downloader and his child rapist son and, at the same time, continue to expose their own corruption.