"Brisson admitted to the court Friday he was a pedophile with a compulsion that can’t be stopped. He also likened society’s fear of pedophiles to long ago fears of African Americans or gays and lesbians and said all adults have thoughts of having sex with children.
“We punish what we don’t understand,” Brisson said during a several minute tirade against police, society and the press. “Then when we’re released it’s to unjust regulations and stipulations.”
He admits to having a compulsion then claims that having a compulsion that can lead to the death of a baby is the same as being gay or being Black.
Um, no, he didn't claim that. He actually compared society's current fear and persecution of paedosexuals to the fear and persecution of African Americans and GLBT people by society in the past.
Yeah Anime fixation is a tell in my opinion. I can appreciate Vampire Hunter D as much as the next guy, but the obsession with collecting cartoons, and anime images etc denotes a immaturity that many pedophiles seem to have.
So it's ok to appreciate anime, as long as one doesn't appreciate it more than Rob deems appropriate as Mr Expert has decided that this denotes immaturity and, possibly, paedosexuality. Personally, I have no interest in anime so if I suffered from Rob's rampant egocentrism, I'd say that his level of interest is a sign of immaturity and possible paedosexuality. Fortunately I'm not that blinded by my own self-importance.
"Not only that, but, since this was a simple, legal 'rape' and not an actual, penetrative, forceful 'rape' (and she, providentially, enjoyed the activity), to imprison someone, for such a ridiculously long period of time (based only on moral outrage) tells us all we need to know about the nature of the US of A; I am compelled to say, that such barbarism has also crept into my country, as well."
Outrageous. How would you know the baby enjoyed being raped? This is the fantasy of a disgusting miscreant. England has a high rate per 100,000 people of rape, assaults and robberies, and just the other day some of your Irish brothers kicked a Catholic to death after a soccer game. English citizens have been filmed taking part in the racist Jihad in Darfur, fighting for the Taliban in Pakistan and taking control of the streets from your police. Not to mention that honor killings and marriages between cousins are actually increasing every year in England.
But we're barbarians for throwing the book at a man that raped a baby.
You claim to point out cognitive distortions in others but the truth is your country has collapsed, is basically a protectorate of America (no longer since our new president has some highly nuanced views of England) and already has installed Sharia law in the Muslim majority areas. You're the product of English barbarism, an immoral man-child lashing out at the world in a futile attempt to maintain some control over your life in a statist society whose official policy is to allow competing cultural norms and a massive welfare state to bleed the country dry and destroy law and order.
Don't pretend you don't pine away to live here, you're desperate seeking of attention from the people here tells us all we need to know.
Where does one even start with this? He doesn't like something Dr Oldfield said so he launches into a rant of irrelevant anti-English generalisations. The only specific point he makes is about an attack in Ireland (that's a different country Rob). It would appear his intention was to somehow demonstrate that modern day England is a barbaric society and this is somehow responsible for Dr Oldfield's beliefs and/or orientation. I'll give you one little bit of help here Robbie; try being specific in your points and cite examples to support your assertions. If you want to demonstrate that England is a more barbaric society than the USA you will need to cite specific, provable facts about England and the comparable facts about the USA. Vague assertions may cut it with the folk at AZU but I'm afraid it's not good enough for anyone with the ability to think critically about issues.
Great post. This guy thinks he's very clever but rarely says anything of worth. You should do a series of posts on a few of those losers.
I don't know if it's the same Rob Taylor but I'd be interested to know if you find out anything. I'll google PACA and see what I can find.
One thing I must say is you shouldn't stereotype all pagans as people who hurt children. People should be judged purely on their actions, not their 'religion' or their sexual orientation. The whole point of me starting this blog was to give a forum for people to engage in rational discussion without succumbing to hysteria and unfounded generalisations. Sadly the gumbies at AZU aren't able to take part in rational discussion and therefore choose to stay away and only post on their own blog where they can just delete and censor anyone who takes them to task. I'm no longer sure why I expected any better of them. I guess I was a bit naive. Hmmm.. that was a long winded way of asking you to refrain from attacking anyone because of their religion.. even Little Robbie.
Thanks for the contribution and I hope to hear from you in the future.
I googled PACA and Rob Taylor and it would appear this is the same person. I don't know what his true motives are but until we know for sure, perhaps he should be given the benefit of the doubt.
For anyone interested, this is the URL for these sickos. Don't even think about trying to join though as only sheeple are allowed.
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